Saturday, July 20, 2013

Healthy Eating

It’s been 3 years since we, my husband and I, started our new journey to healthy eating. I joined Weight Watchers ( at work and lost about 5 pounds before my husband decided to join as well.

We learned several really good basic habits from weight watchers: have lots of vegetables and fruits, fiber and water. At the time my diet didn't really include many vegetables.

Now going into 3rd year of our journey, I love vegetables as long as I mix it up and try to do something different every time.

My goal for this blog is to add recipes of my weekly cooking which usually includes vegetables, fish, chicken and beans. This will also help me research about healthy foods and share my findings.

The title of my blog "Add a little spice to your life" implies you can add spice to your food just like you would to your life to keep it fun and exciting. Spice does not mean spicy or hot, it just means you are using different spices and herbs to keep your food interesting and delicious.


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